Barcelona , 1965
Illustrator, writer, publicist, and cinephile.
In the mid nineteen seventies, I started my professional career as comic book artist.
In the mid nineteen eighties, I designed print collections for multiple textile enterprises. During that period, I published a weekly comic strip at the “Tot Mataró” magazine called “La panda Rusa”, which tells the adventures of some kids during the Perestroika. From this series, I also created some textile collections for the firm “Troika” from Mataró.
In 1994 I started my work as publicity illustrator at Layouts art dos studio. In 2000, I created the mascots Tot and Buma for Prenatal, a children’s clothing firm. As part of my work as publicity illustrator, I also designed the mascot for “Catalana Occidente” group, advent calendars for Kinder brand at Ferrero’s group, logos for food brands, a mascot for “Font Vella”, and so on.
2005 marked the beginning of my most personal project: “Las aventuras del Follet Oriol”, a series that narrates the adventures of a brave elf.
I am both the author and the illustrator of this series published by “Barcanova”. The collection is growing and I have just finished its 21st album.
“Circulo de Lectores” published these adventure series in the collection “Lee con el Duende Max” and Scholastic published one of the tales in the United States of America.
I also created the illustrations of the funny explorer “Roc Tempesta” for “Barcanova”, illustrating its novels, summer workbooks, and two atlas: a geographical one, and another explaining the Catalan History to young people.
For the same publisher, I performed a series of illustrations for classroom materials, digital environment, as well as illustrations for textbooks for different educational stages and illustrated narrative of several authors.
I am also co-author of “Menja’ns” books, a tetralogy of the fruits and vegetables that we consume in the four seasons of the year.
In 2018, a commemorative exhibition of the first twenty albums of the collection was held with itinerant character, touring libraries and bookstores throughout Catalonia.
Currently I combine my work as illustrator with illustration workshops and live drawing storytelling sessions, which I teach in schools and libraries throughout the country.
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Barcelona , 1965
Illustrator, writer, publicist, and cinephile.
In the mid nineteen seventies, I started my professional career as comic book artist.
In the mid nineteen eighties, I designed print collections for multiple textile enterprises. During that period, I published a weekly comic strip at the “Tot Mataró” magazine called “La panda Rusa”, which tells the adventures of some kids during the Perestroika. From this series, I also created some textile collections for the firm “Troika” from Mataró.
In 1994 I started my work as publicity illustrator at Layouts art dos studio. In 2000, I created the mascots Tot and Buma for Prenatal, a children’s clothing firm. As part of my work as publicity illustrator, I also designed the mascot for “Catalana Occidente” group, advent calendars for Kinder brand at Ferrero’s group, logos for food brands, a mascot for “Font Vella”, and so on.
2005 marked the beginning of my most personal project: “Las aventuras del Follet Oriol”, a series that narrates the adventures of a brave elf.
De la mateixa sóc autor i il·lustrador. Publica la sèrie Editorial Barcanova. La col·lecció va en augment i acabo d’ultimar l’àlbum número 21.
Círculo de lectores publica les aventures de la sèrie sota el genèric de Lee con el duende Max i editorial Scholastic publica un dels contes als Estats Units.
En 2018 se celebra una exposició commemorativa dels vint àlbums de la colecció que, amb caràcter itinerant, recorre biblioteques i llibreries de tota Catalunya.
També per Barcanova, realitzo les il·lustracions del divertit explorador Roc Tempesta, Il·lustrant novel·les d´aquest ,quaderns de repàs d’estiu i dos atles, un de geografia i l’altre de la història de Catalunya per a joves.
Per al mateix segell editorial realitzo una sèrie d’il·lustracions per encàrrec per a materials d’aula, entorn digital, així com il·lustracions per a llibres de text de diversos cicles educatius i narrativa il·lustrada de diversos autors.
També sóc coautor dels llibres Mengen´s, una cuatrilogia de les fruites i verdures que que consumim en les quatre estacions de l’any.
Actualmente compagino el meu treball d ilustrador amb tallers d´ilustració y contacontes amb dibuix en viu que imparteixo en escoles y biblioteques de tot el país.
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